Express yourself with confidence with Galderma’s exclusive collection of aesthetic treatments
Beauty has many faces and the things that make you individual are the same things that make you beautiful. The aesthetics portfolio by Galderma offers a holistic approach to achieving natural-looking results that work in harmony with every individual.¹

Understanding your needs
At Galderma, we want to empower everyone to fulfill their own individual aesthetic goals. People’s desires vary greatly from enhancing features, shapes and contours in areas such as lips, cheekbones, nose and jawline, to restoring a more youthful appearance to addressing the signs of aging skin.
In this video, Italian Aesthetic Physician Michela Zazzaron describes the responsibility that clinicians have – since they may influence how the patients perceive their own appearance.
An individual and tailored approach to treatments
Galderma offers a diverse portfolio of treatments that can be tailored to meet everyone’s individual aesthetic goals. We only partner with healthcare practitioners who respect and strive to understand their patients’ personal desires.
In this video, Plastic Surgeon Chris Surek, USA, explains the different components of beauty, and why individual assessments and the right product choice are critical to achieve the best results.

Galderma has developed a diverse portfolio of products that work holistically together.
Over 85 million treatments worldwide2
20+ years of experience in aesthetic treatments3
Skin insights
1 Carruthers j et al. Plast reconstr surg 2008;121(5):5s–30s.; Cartier h et al. Poster presented at imcas 2018.; Molina b et al. Dermatol surg 2015;41 suppl 1:s32–32.
2 Data on file (MA-39680).; Data on file (MA-40221).; Data on file (MA-39613).
3 Data on file (MA-39680).